Men resort to all possible methods, including a vacuum pump, to increase the size of the genitals in any way. The principle of operation of this device is as follows: the penis is placed in a flask where air is injected. The vacuum created in the tube stretches the penis tissue in all directions, resulting in more blood flowing into it and making it appear slightly larger than with a normal erection.
If you use the pump before sex, it gives the desired effect, but the effect is short-lived: soon the penis returns to its previous state.
Advantages and risks of using a vacuum pump

Air pumps are used to treat impotence and prevent surgery. Sometimes you need a pump when you need to create a guaranteed erection. But can you use it to enlarge your penis?
You need to stretch long and regularly to start tissue growth. The pump helps to pump a large amount of blood to the penis, which lies under pressure. However, after 5-10 minutes, the negative processes associated with the effect of vacuum on the penis begin. A large amount of lymph flows into the tissue of the penis, which results in lymphatic edema of the penis.
The foreskin is particularly strongly swollen by squeezing the shaft and head of the penis with its tissues.
Although the penis looks bigger after using the pump, the erection is slow. Under the influence of vacuum, the skin first turns red, then small bleeds occur. If you continue to use the pump, the skin of the penis darkens and even turns brown due to the constant rupture of blood vessels.
The above damage may appear 15-20 minutes after using the pump. Of course, this time is not enough to cause the penis to grow, in addition, frequent use of the pump will not only cause permanent damage and pain, but can also lead to serious irreversible consequences for the penis. For this reason, this method is completely ineffective in increasing the size of the penis.
Safety device - hydraulic pump
To prevent damage to the penis and other negative effects of the vacuum, scientists have developed devices that do not have direct contact of the sensitive skin of the penis with the vacuum - hydropumps.

Air pumps have no drawbacks, but at the same time allow the penis to grow by increasing blood flow and even creating a "super erection" effect.
The penis in a hydro-pump is placed in warm water, which heats the tissues and makes them elastic, so with regular use of the hydro-pump, an increase in the size of the surrounding penis begins.
This device also works well when used with an penis extension extension. Thus, by combining these two effective techniques, an increase in both the length and circumference of the penis can be achieved.
Expert Opinion
No doctor who deals with the problem of enlarging a patient's penis or without surgery recommends the use of a vacuum pump for this purpose. The safety and effectiveness of methods that use only daily traction, ie lengthening the penile tissue, have been scientifically substantiated. Recent studies have shown that the expander is highly effective in both increasing the size of the penis and eliminating curvature.
An enlarging penis lengthens 4-6 hours instead of 10-15 minutes like a pump. Penis enlargement using an enlargement is noticeable after a few weeks, and the result of tissue growth is lifelong.